Door43 Service Criteria

  • Age 13-25  
  • Key issue is mental health and emotional wellbeing, or barriers to accessing wellbeing support or community activities  
  • Willingness to engage in sessions with a worker face to face or online

Please note this list is not exhaustive – give us a call if you are unsure.

Presenting issues we can work with:

  • Low mood and anxiety 
  • Managing Stress or resilience building  
  • Emotional regulation  
  • Work, education, training support  
  • Low level issues around body image and appearance  
  • Information and advice on sexual health  
  • Information and advice on the impact of Physical health issues  
  • Identifying and sourcing wellbeing activities  
  • Support needed with sex, relationships, friends, bullying, online safety

We might support with specialist or clinical services input:

  • Moderate – severe panic issues 
  • Obsessive behaviours   
  • Bereavement  
  • Complex needs or trauma  
  • Moderate Suicidal ideation  
  • Mild to moderate self-harm   
  • Gender identity and sexuality   
  • Substance use

We cannot provide interventions that directly address:

  • High level or immediate suicide risk 
  • Immediate mental health crisis  
  • Housing crisis   
  • Severe and persistent self-harm  
  • Psychosis  
  • Eating Disorders  
  • Young people actively under the influence of substances

Our Pathways

All our interventions are grounded in evidence-based practice, provided with clinical oversight. We have the following types of support available:

PathwayDescriptionThreshold of Need
Open accessWeekly Wellbeing Cafes and Drop In Clinics Out of hours telephone helpline – information, advice and signposting Webinars and online digital supportLevel 2 – Universal Plus
Social prescribingPersonalised social prescriptions and wellbeing interventions; finding and increasing motivation to engage in activities that support wellbeingLevel 3 – Partnership Plus
1-1 Interventions6-8 structured one to one sessions with a health and wellbeing practitionerLevel 4 – Targeted
GroupworkResilience building, psychoeducational, and therapeutic groupworkLevel 4 – Targeted
CounsellingPsychotherapy provided by a qualified counsellor (BACP registered)Level 4 – Targeted
Step up / step down between clinical services and Door43, and transition from young peoples to adult services