Wellbeing Cafe

Every Tuesday 5-6.30pm! Come along to socialise and make friends. We do arts and crafts, listen to music, play games and chat about life in general. If you want somewhere to chill after school or work, this is the place. Drinks and snacks provided!

For ages 13–25 (over/under 18s meet separately). Everyone is welcome and you can just turn up, no booking required.

If you’d like to speak with our team before coming, you can email us. To stay up to date with the latest happenings at Wellbeing Cafe, follow us on Instagram.

Visit the Wellbeing Cafe channel on our Discord server to stay in the loop.

Wellbeing Wednesdays

Every Wednesday you can find one-to-one emotional support in-person at Star House, over the phone, or by video call.

Call 0114 201 2800 or email us to book a slot. You can do this from Monday morning onwards for slots on Wednesday of that week.

We will call you back for a 30-minute chat between 11am–4pm.

Meet the team