Welcome to the Gameathon 2024 Fundraising Pack!
Here you’ll find all you need to take part and raise money. From Social Media posts to Health and Safety information, we’ve got you covered!
Sign up on our JustGiving page!
Sheffield Futures was a safe space and I felt listened to.
Social Prescribing service user
Posting about your fundraiser on social media
We’ve created a post for you to advertise your Gameathon fundraiser on social media, download it here or create your own!
Here’s our design for an Instagram/Facebook story. Click below to download ours or create your own!
You can also download our digital logo using the link below.
£55 could pay for art materials for wellbeing sessions so that young people who’ve experienced trauma can express themselves more easily.
£1,100 could help pay for 12 weeks of counselling for three young people so that they can develop positive relationships as an adult.
£740 could help us build tailored plans with five young people to improve their wellbeing without them needing medication.
£350 could pay for a group of unemployed young people to learn interview techniques so they can land their dream job.
[After sessions with my Coach] “I feel more motivated and open with others that are willing to help”.
– Employability service user